Dear Patriot,
If you aren't proud to fly the stars and stripes and don't think this is the best country on Earth then please leave now.
If you refuse to listen to the truth and just want to smile, turn on the TV and ignore what's going on then this ain't for you.
If you think the notion of martial law in America is no more than a crackpot theory. And you think you and your family are ready and prepared for any major disaster that may come, please leave now and enjoy your blindfolded, medicated euphoria.
If that's you then you're on your own, best of luck. You'll need it, seriously...
I'm Frank Mitchell, a proud member of the US Armed Force and certified disaster and survival expert and...
I really wish I could tell you that this great country is as stable as a reinforced concrete wall, but I can't.
I wish you could just go about your life like you have every day, not aware of the dangerous situation you're really in.
I wish you could just relax and watch the game while everything goes on like it always has.
But I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that if you don't wake up and listen to me right now you and your family are on a one-way train to a catastrophe of epic proportions.
Think of it like this.
If you knew your friend was too drunk to drive would you still let him get behind the wheel and drive off?
I hope not.
I hope you're the type of person who would take control, put him in your car and drive him home, even if you have to force him kicking and screaming.
You're in the exact same situation right now and it's my duty to tell you to stop, take action and prepare for the future before it's too late.
And even if you think you've already got it all figured out.
I'm about to blow your mind when you find out just how serious this situation really is.
The information I'm about to share may shock you, but have to learn this now before it's too late.
I'm not saying the World is going to end tomorrow and I'm no conspiracy theorist and I sure can't predict the future.
I can say one thing though - the writing is on the wall and no one can deny it.
If you done nothing to prepare and are expecting the Government to provide for you and your family in any situation that arises then you have another thing coming.
And If you've already built or bought your own Disaster Kit according to the Department of Homeland Security's website you might be in an even worse situation.
Thinking you're prepared when you really aren't gives you an incredibly dangerous false sense of security and I can't stand by and watch that happen.
I realize that this may be a tough pill to swallow.
Facing reality is scary and most people would rather just ignore it.
But the truth is, if you care about yourself and your family then you better be nervous about where this country is going.
You can feel it, something is going to happen and it's not going to be years from now.
I don't know when, but I do know one thing.
You won't have any warning.
The US economy is in the worst position it's ever experienced.
Our global credit rating was downgraded by Standard and Poor (S&P) for the first time in history.
The crippling 17 Trillion-Dollar debt our bloated government created is shoving our financial system closer and closer to complete collapse.
That's a 200% national deficit increase in the last 10 years alone and it shows no signs of stopping.
If the trend continues eventually we won't be able to make the payments, just like a hard working father who loses his income and can't pay his mortgage when his job is outsourced to China.
The trillions in treasury bonds the government issues become worthless and the countries that hold our debt, like China, Japan, Taiwan and Russia abandon the dollar because we can't make the payments.
Not to mention the foreign oil countries that hold trillions more in US debt.
What happens?
According to economist Peter Schiff, during 2013 and 2014 we are in store for a collapse even greater than what we saw in 2008 that will rock our economy to its very core.
Here's one scenario.
The dollar will become worthless on the international market as the treasury bonds we've issued are no longer worth the paper they're printed on.
The foreign oil our country is addicted to will suddenly become so expensive that major corporations won't be able to afford the cost of fuel.
Gas prices have already risen 270% over the last 10 years.
When this crisis hits the price of fuel could rise over 500%, IN A SINGLE DAY.
The same corporations who create and sell the food you eat everyday won't be able to afford to run their trucks.
The trucks will just stop, the highways will be empty.
Your grocery store will not be restocked.
No more bottled water, no bread, and no milk or baby formula.
What little food is left will be too expensive for you to buy.
We've seen it happen before in places like East Africa in 2011, China in the late 50's, Russia in the 30's and Haiti in 2008.
Millions of people who couldn't afford food or there was just none to buy.
Mass chaos and death were the result.
Whenever the right elements come together, collapse is the only outcome.
And all those elements are in play right now: Overwhelming National Debt, Protests, Rising Food and Fuel Costs, it's all happening right now.
If you watch the news you know what I'm saying is true.
Do you think your Government will take care of you when it happens?
Have you seen what a FEMA shelter looks like?
Do you want to be standing in a government food line hoping that you get enough to feed yourself and your entire family for the week?
Hoping that the thousands of other people standing in line are all just going to get along, be friendly and not try to grab your food for themselves?
Or worse…
Your Government knows this is on the horizon, they just aren't telling you how to prepare for it.
What happens when all the city and county workers who maintain our electrical grids and water systems have to spend every moment making sure their families have enough food to eat?
Who's there to make sure you have clean water and electricity flowing to your house?
No one, that's who.
A systematic breakdown of our nation's entire infrastructure is a true possibility. And all it takes is one failure to knock that first domino over…
I can feel it, I bet you can too.
And I know there isn't enough real, specialized information and instruction out there for the millions of people who will be up a creek when the hammer drops.
Especially for the families.
I have a family of my own, a wife and two sons and I know the real panic I feel when I think about what they would go through if we weren't prepared.
You don't need to feel that panic, you just need to be ready. And that's exactly what I'm going to show you.
I've been living and breathing survival for my entire adult life, it's who I am.
I hold over 60 FEMA disaster related certifications.
I'm a Military Policeman and trained on everything that can happen during a crisis situation and an expert on all US Army small arms.
I spend weeks at a time in the wilderness with nothing the skills I'm about to teach you to keep me alive.
I am a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and personal defense expert.
I'm not trying to brag, but if you combine Bear Grylls and Chuck Norris you've got me.
During my military career I've seen what happens when catastrophe strikes.
I've had to put on my riot gear and watch as panic rips a community apart.
And after years and years of this I came to realize one thing...
Millions of people going to work, coming home to their families, eating dinner and watching their favorite shows, day in and day out.
Completely unaware that disaster may strike at any moment.
Not only unaware, but even more dangerous, completely unprepared.
Just look at what happened when Katrina, or more recently, Sandy struck the US.
Mass pandemonium broke out; people died who never should have.
And those who've been smart enough to realize that a disaster is on the horizon usually start looking online for guidance.
Maybe that's how you found this page, thank God you did…
Most of what you'll find on those other sites is watered down, completely useless information designed to make you feel like everything's going to be "OK"
Head over to the Department Of Homeland Security's website and follow their guides.
I dare you to.
You'll be prepared enough for a brisk wind or a heavy rainstorm.
But you won't have a chance in hell of surviving what will really happen.
Follow those instructions and you might as well just sign your family up for a retreat at camp FEMA, because that's exactly where you'll end up when you can't provide for yourself…
And that's only if you can make it to a camp or disaster relief site in time.
Remember, you'll be competing with tens of thousands for scarce resources.
You know, like food and water as the government doles them out to the top 10% first.
Regular people like you and me will just get the leftover scraps.
If you're not prepared to survive the 1 to 3 months it takes to calm the chaos of a true disaster you're putting the lives of yourself and your family in dire risk.
It's a stone cold fact.
I'm not trying to scare you and turn you into a nervous basket case peeking around the edges of boarded up windows.
I'm trying to clue you into the reality of today and show you that you don't have to live in fear.
You can take control right now.
There is no other time than now.
Sure, you could wait another day, week or month, but what could happen?
Do you want to be one of the ones who're surprised when the bottom drops out?
If you could've done something about it but chose not to because you were too busy, too distracted, or just didn't make simply educating yourself and preparing a priority?
Don't let it be you.
I refuse to let that happen.
Not when I have all the knowledge and skills you could need to survive most any crisis.
Not when I've already made sure our family will be safe.
You deserve to have the same level of confidence and hope that my years of training have given me.
So I sat down got to work pouring out everything I knows about preparing for and surviving a disaster.
And I created a simple system that anyone, including you, can follow to make sure you're never left unprepared.
From a power crisis to food shortages, hurricanes to home invasion, everything is covered in this system.
When you simply follow the steps you'll never have an excuse to not be prepared.
And I call it the Family Survival System.
You'll notice that it's not a course, book, or guide.
It's a SYSTEM that will take you from an unprepared liability to a survival specialist who will lead your family and everyone you love through any disaster happily, healthily and prosperous.
A system you'll follow step-by-step until you are more educated and prepared than a college professor on the first day of class.
You'll become a leader, someone people look to for guidance and protection, someone your family and everyone around you will be proud of.
Want to know what you'll get from the Family Survival System?
I have nothing to hide, so let's get into it.
What follows is just a small taste of what's included.
There's no way to know what will really happen during a disaster.
Think about how safe and secure you'll feel knowing that you are truly prepared for any possibility.
If the power grid goes down for a week, a month, or more, you'll know that you have the skills, resources and knowledge to keep your family safe and happy through it all.
The government isn't going to provide properly for you, you have to rely on yourself.
And you want your family and everyone who looks to you for guidance to know that you are the one who can lead them through whatever happens.
And that's exactly what the Family Survival System will give you.
And it's not like so many of the other guides and courses you'll find online or in a bookstore.
They are all just bloated overwhelming books hashed together from all the information you can already find for free online.
No, what I've created for you is an original system that gives you everything you need and is delivered in ways that force you to take the right steps.
A system I developed after my years of military service and over 60 disaster preparedness certifications.
This system is exactly what I follow to make sure my own family not only survives, but also thrives in a time of disaster.
It's complete with checklists that break everything down into simple steps a complete dunce could follow.
You simply check everything off as you follow the steps and once you've finished you'll know that you're ready for anything.
And that brings me to the price of the Family Survival System.
It's hard to put a price on a system that will not only keep your family safe and healthy, but also turn you into a leader that everyone around you will turn to for guidance in their time of greatest need.
What is it worth to know that your kids won't go hungry and your home will be a safe haven for everyone you care about?
If I price it too low you'll think it's not as valuable as it really is.
If the price is too high then the millions of people who truly need this won't be able to afford it.
So I decided to take the middle ground to make sure everyone can access this life saving system.
If you were to take a basic survival clinic at a top-notch place like Willow Haven you'd spend from $150 to $300 per day, not including the travel cost to get to the class.
Don't get me wrong, hands-on clinics like that are great, but that's just too expensive for most people and they don't even teach urban disaster survival.
In the Family Survival System I cover more specific, usable information than 99% of those clinics.
To have full, complete and instant access to everything in the Family Survival System I decided to charge a fraction of what the cheapest one-day live survival clinic costs.
50% would be around $75, but that's still too much.
So I decided to make this available to anyone with the desire to protect themselves and their family by only charging a single payment of $37.
You'll pay $37 one-time and have lifetime access to the Family Survival System, which includes free updates for life.
As I continue developing and perfecting new ways to keep you in good health, shelter and wealth no matter what happens I'll send you every new tactic I discover completely free of charge.
In reality, $37 isn't any cost at all.
Especially when you consider that when the time comes you'll have knowledge so valuable that your neighbors will gladly trade you anything they can for access to what you'll learn from this system.
I'm talking about food, water, weapons, tools, even silver and gold.
And I've decided to do something else for you today to make sure you can get a copy of the system for yourself.
To survive a disaster you must make quick decisions and execute on them.
I'm testing you right now.
Do you have what it takes to survive?
Grab your copy right now and you only pay $37.
If you hesitate and leave this page when you come back a week or a month from the price will have gone up.
The people who are going to survive must make important decisions, life or death decisions, in a blink of an eye.
Grab your copy right now, prove that you have the smarts to survive...
I also want to make sure that you are completely confident in your purchase today, so we're doing something absolutely nuts to make sure you are.
![]() If your mind isn't literally blown by what you learn in the Family Survival System I'll give you every penny back. If you aren't so excited to start following the system that your mind starts spinning once you start reading it then I've failed you. You'll have 60 full days to go through the entire system, read everything, follow all the checklists and make sure it's exactly what you want. If you're not happy with any little thing just let me know and I'll happily send you a full refund, no questions, no hassles. |
But I know you'll love it so I'm not worried.
You really just have a simple question to ask yourself.
Can you make a quick, life-saving decision right now?
Is the long-term safety of your family worth $37?
Because if you let $37 get in the way of the safety and happiness of your family then you need to get your head examined.
The simple system I'm offering you will give you every skill, tactic and technique you need to make sure your family not only survives, but also thrives when the inevitable collapse finally comes.
You don't want to think back to this moment and say, "Why didn't I just spend the 37 bucks that day? Things would be so much easier if I had…"
You're the person everyone will look to guide them safely through when it all crashes down.
Don't you want to be the person who can actually do that?
You are the only one they can truly rely on.
Be the person you know you can.
Get the skills and knowledge that will ensure you and your family live long, happy lives no matter what's around the corner.
You owe it to them.
You owe it to yourself.
Just click the button you see below, take the first step and grab your copy of thr Family Survival System right now.
You could click away from this page without doing what you know is right.
But what happens if tomorrow is the day everything changes?
Life as you know it could grind to a screaming halt and what would you do then?
You don't want to let $37 be what keeps you from spending everyday from here on out knowing that you have your family taken care of.
If you leave now you may be too late.
I can't predict the future, but I know that now is your opportunity.
It's time to decide what kind of person you are, the kind who let's fear and indecision rule your life or the type who will do anything to protect the lives of the ones you love.
My suggestion?
Don't be foolish when lives are at stake.
Hit the button below.
Fill out the secure form that follows and take control.
I'll see you on the other side with a special announcement.